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How Do I Get Started?

In support of George Mason University’s strategic priorities, GMU-TV assists with the creation and development of instructional, training, marketing and promotional videos. To facilitate this mission and to insure high quality productions, GMU-TV invites proposals from administrative and academic departments and faculty members who wish to develop such materials. The following procedures help to provide the most effective support for these projects.


Faculty members or departments interested in developing video material should submit a Production Proposal to GMU-TV.

Click here to download the Production Proposal.  

This proposal helps us understand the goals of your project as well as the audience and tone of your video.  We recommend that all relevant stakeholders have input in answering the questions. Once completed, simply email your proposal along with a brief overview of your request to

Depending on the scope of the project, video proposals may require signatures by both requesting faculty/staff and the department chair or appropriate dean/director.


Once we receive your proposal we will reach out to schedule a brief meeting (either in person or by phone). During this initial meeting, GMU-TV staff will walk you through the discovery process, assess the needs and goals of your project, and explain the options and technology available. This initial meeting will also serve as a brainstorming session to help you envision the best way to present your content, and provide the framework for your production. After this initial meeting, GMU-TV staff will partner with you to identify the next steps in the production process.


GMU-TV reviews production proposals on a rolling basis. Due to the high demand for video projects, we create our production schedule several months in advance. Please plan and provide for the appropriate lead-time.

The selection process is based on the following:

  • The project is aligned with the university’s strategic goals.
  • The project has significant impact (is a core part of major university initiative, serves a large number of students, targets the needs of the Northern Virginia community.)
  • The project is well suited to effective use of video.


The number of proposals accepted for production varies according to the production resources available.


There are costs associated with developing videos. For a more in depth explanation of these costs please see our Charge Back Policy